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The Choice of Pregnancy Pillows That Offer Extra Comfort


During pregnancy, a woman experiences different kinds of discomforts.  Sleeping and resting, in particular, becomes difficult. Pregnancy pillows are designed to help her rest and sleep comfortably.  There are different types of comfortable bumps to select from. They differ in design, shape, styles, and colors. A pregnancy pillow is an investment that is not only worth for you as the woman, but also for your spouse. When you are not comfortable at night, you keep on tossing and turning. This will keep him awake. As such, he is sure to delight in the pregnancy pillow more than you will do.  Learn more about ComfortableBump, go here. 


The pregnancy pillow wedge is one of the lovely designs. It is wedge shaped and can have the shape of a moon crescent or triangular. The beautiful thing is that they do not take a lot of space in your bed. Your partner will, therefore, have adequate space to sleep in the same bed. Wedge pillows require you to have a separate pillow for head rest. If you are on travel, this best comfortable bump to go with due to ease of packing. When you decide to shop for a wedge pillow, you need to look at the slope of the wedge. The slope varies from brand to brand.  Here's a good read about ComfortableBump, check it out! 


The small size of many brands of pillows will require you to use multiples of them. They might end up scattering on your bed as you keep tossing. The full-length pregnancy pillow is a solution to this need for multiple pillows. They might not provide that much support for back like other types. There are two different types of the full length pillows. These are the straight full length pregnancy pillow and the flexible full length pregnancy pillow.  The good thing about the flexible design is that you can modify it to any shape that you want. 


Total body pregnancy pillow wraps around the body offering unrivaled support. The sheer size of these pillows allows one to curl inside them. The total body pregnancy pillow supports your front, and you're back as well. This is the pillow that you need if you wake up with a painful back.  There is the c-shaped and u-shaped total body pregnancy pillow.  The top of the c-shaped pillow supports your head. Its base is saddled between your legs while the back rests on the curve.  The u-shaped pillow offers extra support to the body by supporting the back, the head, and the legs.

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